April 27, 2007

Join me!

The 50th Anniversary of the SCA is a thing to celebrate, and I'd love to make my personal project into a community event. If you or your group would like to join me, welcome! You can comment here, send me links to your site to include here, etc, so we can best figure out how to give each other some support. (Want to get 50 gentles in a web ring?)

Anyway, if others join me, I'd love to create an online exhibition of our work, or maybe even a travelling show to all the Kingdoms, however many we have in AS 50!

No idea what to work on? Here are some other ideas other I had:

  • 50 scrolls or scroll blanks for your (or even another!) local group
  • 50 entries in A&S competitions
  • 50 hours of A&S service - to your guild, to helping newbies garb up, to making reports for your group, to research for folks in your Shire, at Herald's Point, etc.
  • 50 new pieces of music to perform
  • 50 dance performances
  • 50 new folks in your A&S network (from outside your Kingdom?)
  • 50 bundles of herbs for chefs to incorporate into their feasts
  • 50 new dishes/drinks to cook/brew/prepare
  • 50 new links on your local groups website to sites of interest
  • 50 Collegia and Kingdom Universities to attend (ambitious!)
  • 50 new style variations in your scribal/embroidery repetoire
  • 50 new pieces of armor to suit up your local army
  • 50 pairs of shoes to plug the most glaring hole in most gentle's garb
  • 50 classes to either attend or teach
  • 50 articles/books to write, read or translate
  • 50 gentles you answer A&S questions for!

I'd like to invite groups to create goals as well. Some of my ideas, beyond the above, include:

  • 50 new decorated panels for your camp enclosure for War
  • 50 pieces of garb to make/collect for Gold Key (borrowing)
  • 50 bardic circles to host or classes to offer
  • 50 pieces to enter in A&S shows
  • 50 ways in which to make one's Household more period

Other ideas gratefully accepted; who knows what your comments here might inspire? Can you imagine if groups all over the Known World started churning out period footwear? Or teaching more classes than ever? (I'd be in heaven!)

While I'm at it, I'd like to point out that many of these activities could just as easily be part of a project called "the Service 50," and that is deliberate. Our Dream is not a solitary one; and sharing of my skills, time and knowledge are some of the greatest gifts that I have ever *received.* Most Scadians act this way as a matter of course, and that is one of the things that has made the SCA what it is today, and will soon have been for 50 years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!

I love two aspects--the idea of fifty new pieces of garb, and to learn 50 new things.